1 Introduction
Large and important parts of the world's natural and cultural heritage collections are stored in museums and archives that are difficult to access, even after digitization. The Dutch National Archives in The Hague alone stores more than 142 km of documents, many of them digitized.
1 Europe's natural history museums house more than a billion specimens (plants, animals, minerals) and metadata records including archival material documenting their provenance and collection circumstances [
2 The inaccessibility of many of these natural and cultural heritage collections hampers research in a variety of scholarly fields ranging from cultural, colonial, and art history to the biodiversity sciences. Next to palaeographic skills and language proficiency, missing links among handwritten documents, illustrations, and other forms of tangible and intangible heritage form an important obstacle in the field. Moreover, the interpretation of such interwoven collections requires knowledge about their historical contexts and digital preservation strategies [
3]. By building upon the results of the international conference “Collect and Connect: Archives and Collections in a Digital Age,” held in Leiden on November 23 and 24, 2020, this special issue focuses on the question of how different computational technologies can help curators, librarians, and archivists to enrich heterogeneous digital natural and cultural heritage collections with contextual information to make them retrievable, interlinked, and interpretable for researchers and the general public.
Organized in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, the “Collect and Connect” conference attracted a substantial international audience, including researchers, curators of digital heritage collections, developers of large-scale digital infrastructures, and publishers. More than 240 registered participants from all over the world contributed to three research paper sessions, one demo lab, a round table discussion, and three keynote lectures.
3 Over the two conference days, a variety of heterogeneous digital natural and cultural heritage collections were discussed: Next to an examination of natural history collections in Europe and the U.S., speakers also focused on archaeological collections, collections of art, newspaper collections, an Aegean seal collection, and large serial collections of handwritten documents produced in European and colonial administrative settings [
4]. Each of these articles also entailed a detailed evaluation of the computational technologies that were used to tackle heterogeneity in such collections. For this special issue, the conference organizers selected five articles that we consider representative of current discussions in the field. To fit with the special issue, all articles have been substantially revised and enriched with follow-up research.
We are, of course, not the first to focus on the heterogeneity of digital natural and cultural heritage. Since the early 2000s, this journal as well as a large number of colleagues all over the world have made major efforts to develop and evaluate technology geared toward increasing the accessibility of digital cultural and natural heritage collections. In particular, mass digitization, semantic web, and AI-driven technologies in combination with the rise of vast digital infrastructures and a strong emphasis on relying on volunteers to annotate collections have changed the landscape fundamentally. The available scholarship and projects are too vast to mention here, so we simply refer to a number of survey articles and recent research we were aware of at the moment of writing this introduction (e.g., References [
12]). However, despite enormous efforts, we also notice an unfortunate divide between research into digital natural and cultural heritage collections. Instead of working jointly toward a transdisciplinary information infrastructure, as had been envisioned by Karl-Heinz Lampe et al. in the first issue of this journal in 2008, research in both fields has taken a siloed approach leading to a fragmented landscape different infrastructures [
13]. Only recently, infrastructure developers and researchers in both fields have started to envision how a Common European Data Space, integrating natural and cultural collections and data according to the FAIR principles, could serve both research communities [
15]. We sincerely hope that work in this direction will continue leading to digital infrastructures that allow for the contextualization and enrichment of heterogeneous natural
and cultural heritage across domains and disciplines. This special issue cannot offer final solutions to the above-mentioned issues. However, by clustering recent scholarship in the field, we aim to showcase and evaluate best practices of how researchers have used different computational technologies to tackle heterogeneity and the lack of links between collections across domains.
Collected, ordered, and inventoried in different formats and modalities over a long time span, many digital natural and cultural heritage collections require curators, researchers, and infrastructure developers to employ tailor-made and labor-intensive assemblages of different computational technologies. Koolen et al. (first article of this special issue) and Ameryan and Schomaker (second article of this special issue) illustrate how AI-driven handwriting recognition tools, named entity recognition, and humans in the loop can be efficiently combined to increase the accessibility of heterogeneous archival collections. Both articles capitalize on heterogeneity in different ways: While the first article focuses on extracting and structuring information in a large serial archive in which handwritten and published text is intertwined, the second article forms part of a wider attempt to rapidly index heterogenous archives in the natural heritage domain by making optimal use of human labellers. Both articles tellingly show that the heterogeneity of many digital natural and cultural heritage collections is an ideal playground for researchers to develop, test, and scale up new assemblages of computational technologies.
In their tutorial, Rinaldo† et al. take up that cue and explain how the rise of computational technologies has shaped knowledge extraction in the digital natural heritage domain in the U.S. since the early 2000s. The tutorial shows that archives in the natural heritage domain are often much less structured than in the cultural heritage domain. Next to fragmentation across institutions, the exploitation and establishment of links among libraries, archives, and specimen collections is a labor-intensive endeavour. By examining different crowdsourcing solutions as they have been used in the natural heritage domain, the tutorial highlights the role volunteers played in adding contextual knowledge, annotations, and links to other resources in the field. Instead of taking cutting-edge computational methods as a point of departure, the tutorial shows the value of modelling computational solutions according to collection-related human expertise and exploration strategies.
The special issue is concluded by articles by Chandrasekar et al. (fourth article of this special issue) and Viola (fifth article of this special issue). Both articles highlight the importance of visual aspects of natural and cultural heritage collections and their computational processing and enrichment. While Chandrasekar and colleagues focus on the (semi-)automated localization and interpretation of plants and other objects on digitized herbarium sheets, Viola problematizes the role of users in the creation of visualizations based on digital cultural heritage data. Instead of considering users as consumers of visualizations, she proposes a post-authentic framework in which visualizations are considered as part of a much longer, cyclical, and open-ended process of curation in which various stakeholders are involved. Although both articles take a different approach to “the visual,” they highlight the importance of humans in enriching natural and cultural heritage and related visual representations. Without careful alignment of humans and machines, automatically created interpretations of visual cultural and natural heritage will remain problematic and deficient. However, both articles also show how fast the fields of computer vision and visualization studies, as part of the broader field of digital humanities, have advanced over the last years.
As a way of concluding this editorial, we thank several individuals and institutions. First, we thank the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for financing the conference “Collect and Connect.” The conference marked the end of a 4-year research program titled “Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives” (2016–2020, grant number 652.001.001) financed by Brill publishers and the Creative Industries program of NWO. Second, we thank the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, who provided the conference's organizers with a base for two intensive conference days. Third, we thank Dr. Martha Fleming for organizing a fantastic round-table discussion that brought key issues of the conference together. Fourth, we thank Dr. Lise Stork, professor Fons Verbeek, and professor Jaap van den Herik for helping us to realize the “Collect and Connect” conference during which the seeds for this special issue were planted. Finally, we thank professor Franco Niccolucci and Dr. Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria, who offered us the opportunity to publish the conference results as a JOCCH special issue. Many thanks for your valuable support and advice along the way.