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MPENAS: Multi-fidelity Predictor-guided Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search with Zero-cost Proxies

Published: 12 July 2023 Publication History


Neural architecture search (NAS) aims to automatically design suitable architectures of artificial neural networks (ANNs) under various situations. Recently, NAS based on zero-cost proxies can predict the performance of ANNs with the cost of a single forward/backward propagation pass at most. While zero-cost proxies can speed up NAS by orders of magnitude, the gap between the predicted and actual performance of ANNs prevents zero-cost proxies from identifying ANNs with top performance.
One solution is to regard zero-cost proxies as a low-fidelity evaluation method and switch from zero-cost proxies to high-fidelity evaluation methods when the zero-cost proxies struggle at selecting architectures. Based on this idea, we propose Multi-fidelity Predictor-guided Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search (MPENAS). MPENAS is based on a novel surrogate-assisted evolutionary computation framework. With a predictor, MPENAS combines architecture encodings, zero-cost proxies, learning curve extrapolations, and fully trained ANNs' performance into one consistent fitness across different fidelity.
To our knowledge, MPENAS is the first work that integrates zero-cost proxies into a multi-fidelity optimization framework. MPENAS outperforms ten other methods for the NAS-Bench-201 search space in all cases. In addition, we demonstrate the generalizability of MPENAS for the TransNAS-Bench-101 search space.

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Index Terms

  1. MPENAS: Multi-fidelity Predictor-guided Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search with Zero-cost Proxies



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      GECCO '23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
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      Published: 12 July 2023


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      4. surrogate-assisted evolutionary computation


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