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Learning Behavior-oriented Knowledge Tracing

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Exploring how learners' knowledge states evolve during the learning activities is a critical task in online learning systems, which can facilitate personalized services downstream, such as course recommendation. Most of existing methods have devoted great efforts to analyzing learners' knowledge states according to their responses (i.e., right or wrong) to different questions. However, the significant effect of learners' learning behaviors (e.g., answering speed, the number of attempts) is omitted, which can reflect their knowledge acquisition deeper and ensure the reliability of the response. In this paper, we propose a Learning Behavior-oriented Knowledge Tracing (LBKT) model, with the goal of explicitly exploring the learning behavior effects on learners' knowledge states. Specifically, we first analyze and summarize several dominated learning behaviors including Speed, Attempts and Hints in the learning process. As the characteristics of different learning behaviors vary greatly, we separately estimate their various effects on learners' knowledge acquisition in a quantitative manner. Then, considering that different learning behaviors are closely dependent with each other, we assess the fused effect of multiple learning behaviors by capturing their complex dependent patterns. Finally, we integrate the forgetting factor with learners' knowledge acquisition to comprehensively update their changing knowledge states in learning. Extensive experimental results on several public datasets demonstrate that our model generates better performance prediction for learners against existing methods. Moreover, LBKT shows good interpretability in tracking learners' knowledge state by incorporating the learning behavior effects. Our codes are available at

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (rtfp0276-2min-promo.mp4)
We give a brief introduction to the importance of considering multiple learning behaviors' complex effects on assessing learners' knowledge states in knowledge tracing task and describe the workflow of our proposed Learning Behavior-oriented Knowledge Tracing (LBKT) model in explicitly quantifying the distinctive and cooperative effects of different behaviors.
MP4 File (rtfp0276-20min-video.mp4)
Presentation video for KDD'23 research paper "Learning Behavior-oriented Knowledge Tracing".


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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2023
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Published: 04 August 2023


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