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Sampling-Based AQP in Modern Analytical Engines

Published: 13 June 2022 Publication History


As the data volume grows, reducing the query execution times remains an elusive goal. While approximate query processing (AQP) techniques present a principled method to trade off accuracy for faster queries in analytics, the sample creation is often considered a second-class citizen. Modern analytical engines optimized for high-bandwidth media and multi-core architectures only exacerbate existing inefficiencies, resulting in prohibitive query-time online sampling and longer preprocessing times in offline AQP systems.
We demonstrate that the sampling operators can be practical in modern scale-up analytical systems. First, we evaluate three common sampling methods, identify algorithmic bottlenecks, and propose hardware-conscious optimizations. Second, we reduce the performance penalties of the added processing and sample materialization through system-aware operator design and compare the sample creation time to the matching relational operators of an in-memory JIT-compiled engine. The cost of data reduction with materialization is up to 2.5x of the equivalent group-by in the case of stratified sampling and virtually free (∼ 1x) for reasonable sample sizes of other strategies. As query processing starts to dominate the execution time, the gap between online and offline AQP methods diminishes.


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DaMoN '22: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 13 June 2022


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  1. AQP
  2. Approximate Query Processing
  3. In-Memory
  4. OLAP
  5. Sampling


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