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On Generating Identifiable Virtual Faces

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Face anonymization with generative models have become increasingly prevalent since they sanitize private information by generating virtual face images, ensuring both privacy and image utility. Such virtual face images are usually not identifiable after the removal or protection of the original identity. In this paper, we formalize and tackle the problem of generating identifiable virtual face images. Our virtual face images are visually different from the original ones for privacy protection. In addition, they are bound with new virtual identities, which can be directly used for face recognition. We propose an Identifiable Virtual Face Generator (IVFG) to generate the virtual face images. The IVFG projects the latent vectors of the original face images into virtual ones according to a user specific key, based on which the virtual face images are generated. To make the virtual face images identifiable, we propose a multi-task learning objective as well as a triplet styled training strategy to learn the IVFG. We evaluate the performance of our virtual face images using different face recognizers on diffident face image datasets, all of which demonstrate the effectiveness of the IVFG for generate identifiable virtual face images.


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    MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
    October 2022
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    Published: 10 October 2022


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    1. face anonymization
    2. face authentication
    3. generative adversarial networks


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