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Detecting and Analyzing Collusive Entities on YouTube

Published: 24 November 2021 Publication History


YouTube sells advertisements on the posted videos, which in turn enables the content creators to monetize their videos. As an unintended consequence, this has proliferated various illegal activities such as artificial boosting of views, likes, comments, and subscriptions. We refer to such videos (gaining likes and comments artificially) and channels (gaining subscriptions artificially) as “collusive entities.” Detecting such collusive entities is an important yet challenging task. Existing solutions mostly deal with the problem of spotting fake views, spam comments, fake content, and so on, and oftentimes ignore how such fake activities emerge via collusion. Here, we collect a large dataset consisting of two types of collusive entities on YouTube—videos submitted to gain collusive likes and comment requests and channels submitted to gain collusive subscriptions.
We begin by providing an in-depth analysis of collusive entities on YouTube fostered by various blackmarket services. Following this, we propose models to detect three types of collusive YouTube entities: videos seeking collusive likes, channels seeking collusive subscriptions, and videos seeking collusive comments. The third type of entity is associated with temporal information. To detect videos and channels for collusive likes and subscriptions, respectively, we utilize one-class classifiers trained on our curated collusive entities and a set of novel features. The SVM-based model shows significant performance with a true positive rate of 0.911 and 0.910 for detecting collusive videos and collusive channels, respectively. To detect videos seeking collusive comments, we propose CollATe, a novel end-to-end neural architecture that leverages time-series information of posted comments along with static metadata of videos. CollATe is composed of three components: metadata feature extractor (which derives metadata-based features from videos), anomaly feature extractor (which utilizes the time-series data to detect sudden changes in the commenting activity), and comment feature extractor (which utilizes the text of the comments posted during collusion and computes a similarity score between the comments). Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of CollATe (with a true positive rate of 0.905) over the baselines.


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      cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
      ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 12, Issue 5
      October 2021
      383 pages
      • Editor:
      • Huan Liu
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 24 November 2021
      Accepted: 01 July 2021
      Revised: 01 December 2020
      Received: 01 April 2020
      Published in TIST Volume 12, Issue 5


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      1. YouTube
      2. collusion
      3. blackmarket
      4. artificial boosting
      5. OSNs


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