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Bringing Cloud-Native Storage to SAP IQ

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


In this paper, we describe our journey of transforming SAP IQ into a relational database management system (RDBMS) that utilizes cheap, elastically scalable object stores on the cloud. SAP IQ is a three-decade old, disk-based, columnar RDBMS that is optimized for complex online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads. Traditionally, SAP IQ has been designed to operate on shared storage devices with strong consistency guarantees (e.g., high-caliber storage area network devices). Therefore, deploying SAP IQ on the cloud, as is, would have meant utilizing storage solutions such as NetApp or AWS EFS that provide a POSIX compliant file interface and strong consistency guarantees, but at a much higher monetary cost. These costs can accumulate easily to diminish the economies of scale that one would expect on the cloud, which can be undesirable. Instead, we have enhanced the design of SAP IQ to operate on cloud object stores such as AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage. Object stores rely on a weaker consistency model, and potentially have higher latency; however, because of these design trade-offs, they are able to offer (i) better pricing, (ii) enhanced durability, (iii) improved elasticity, and (iv) higher throughput. By enhancing SAP IQ to operate under these design trade-offs, we have unlocked many of the opportunities offered by object stores. More specifically, we have extended SAP IQ's buffer manager and transaction manager, and have introduced a new caching layer that utilizes instance storage on AWS EC2. Experiments using the TPC-H benchmark demonstrate that we can gain an order of magnitude reduction in data-at rest storage costs while improving query and load performance.

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In this paper, we describe our journey of transforming SAP IQ into a relational database management system (RDBMS) that utilizes cheap, elastically scalable object stores on the cloud. SAP IQ is a three-decade old, disk-based, columnar RDBMS that is optimized for complex online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads. Traditionally, SAP IQ has been designed to operate on shared storage devices with strong consistency guarantees (e.g., high-caliber storage area network devices). Therefore, deploying SAP IQ on the cloud, as is, would have meant utilizing storage solutions such as NetApp or AWS EFS that provide a POSIX compliant file interface and strong consistency guarantees, but at a much higher monetary cost. These costs can accumulate easily to diminish the economies of scale that one would expect on the cloud, which can be undesirable. Instead, we have enhanced the design of SAP IQ to operate on cloud object stores such as AWS S3 and Azure Blob Storage. Object stores rely on a weaker consistency model, and potentially have higher latency; however, because of these design trade-offs, they are able to offer (i) better pricing, (ii) enhanced durability, (iii) improved elasticity, and (iv) higher throughput. By enhancing SAP IQ to operate under these design trade-offs, we have unlocked many of the opportunities offered by object stores. More specifically, we have extended SAP IQ's buffer manager and transaction manager, and have introduced a new caching layer that utilizes instance storage on AWS EC2. Experiments using the TPC-H benchmark demonstrate that we can gain an order of magnitude reduction in data at-rest storage costs while improving query and load performance.


Alibaba Object Storage Service.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS).
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF).
Apache Hudi.
Apache Parquet.
Apache Software Foundation, Hadoop.
Apache Spark -- Lightning-fast unified analytics engine.
Azure Blob Storage.
Best practices design patterns: Optimizing Amazon S3 performance.
Google BigQuery.
Google Cloud Storage.
NetApp -- Data Management Solutions for the Cloud.
SAP IQ Performance and Tuning Guide -- Zone Maps.
TPC Benchmark H (decision support) standard specification.
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