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Eye-Tracking to Predict User Cognitive Abilities and Performance for User-Adaptive Narrative Visualizations

Published: 22 October 2020 Publication History


We leverage eye-tracking data to predict user performance and levels of cognitive abilities while reading magazine-style narrative visualizations (MSNV), a widespread form of multimodal documents that combine text and visualizations. Such predictions are motivated by recent interest in devising user-adaptive MSNVs that can dynamically adapt to a user's needs. Our results provide evidence for the feasibility of real-time user modeling in MSNV, as we are the first to consider eye tracking data for predicting task comprehension and cognitive abilities while processing multimodal documents. We follow with a discussion on the implications to the design of personalized MSNVs.

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Magazine-style narrative visualizations or MSNVs, are a very common type of information visualization that combine both text and graphic components. Processing MSNVs can be challenging due to the need to split attention between the two information sources, which can lead to an increase in cognitive load and negative impact on comprehension. One way to address user's challenges in comprehension is to provide adaptations that facilitate processing of the visualization. However, recent work has shown that adaptations are useful only for users with specific levels of cognitive abilities, and if these adaptations are provided when unwanted they can be intrusive and distracting.\r\nIn this presentation we present our approach at using eye tracking data to predict task performance measures as well as user's cognitive abilities, which would help us identify when and to whom provide these adaptations, informing the design of personalized-user adaptive MSNVs.\r\n


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ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
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Published: 22 October 2020


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  1. adaptive visualizations
  2. classification
  3. eye-tracking
  4. narrative visualizations
  5. user characteristics
  6. user model


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