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A Scaffolding Design for Pedagogical Agents within the Higher-Education Context

Published: 21 January 2020 Publication History


The use of scaffolding in the design of pedagogical agents has been carried out by many researchers and has a significant impact on online learning. However, how scaffolding by pedagogical agents is applied to individual and group settings is not clearly understood. The scaffolding design in this study consists of an integration of metacognitive scaffolding and motivation scaffolding. The integration of scaffolding will be utilized by a pedagogical agent to facilitate blended learning in a higher education context and we will evaluate the effectiveness of our pedagogical agent model using a quasi-experiment. In this research, we design scaffolding for pedagogical agents within the higher-education context.


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    ICETC '19: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers
    October 2019
    326 pages
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    • University of Twente: University of Twente


    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 21 January 2020


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    1. Pedagogical agent
    2. blended learning
    3. course design
    4. e-learning
    5. metacognitive
    6. motivation
    7. scaffolding


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    ICETC 2019


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