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Tapir: Embedding Recursive Fork-join Parallelism into LLVM’s Intermediate Representation

Published: 17 December 2019 Publication History


Tapir (pronounced TAY-per) is a compiler intermediate representation (IR) that embeds recursive fork-join parallelism, as supported by task-parallel programming platforms such as Cilk and OpenMP, into a mainstream compiler’s IR. Mainstream compilers typically treat parallel linguistic constructs as syntactic sugar for function calls into a parallel runtime. These calls prevent the compiler from performing optimizations on and across parallel control constructs. Remedying this situation has generally been thought to require an extensive reworking of compiler analyses and code transformations to handle parallel semantics. Tapir leverages the “serial-projection property,” which is commonly satisfied by task-parallel programs, to handle the semantics of these programs without an extensive rework of the compiler.
For recursive fork-join programs that satisfy the serial-projection property, Tapir enables effective compiler optimization of parallel programs with only minor changes to existing compiler analyses and code transformations. Tapir uses the serial-projection property to order logically parallel fine-grained tasks in the program’s control-flow graph. This ordered representation of parallel tasks allows the compiler to optimize parallel codes effectively with only minor modifications. For example, to implement Tapir/LLVM, a prototype of Tapir in the LLVM compiler, we added or modified less than 3,000 lines of LLVM’s half-million-line core middle-end functionality.
These changes sufficed to enable LLVM’s existing compiler optimizations for serial code—including loop-invariant-code motion, common-subexpression elimination, and tail-recursion elimination—to work with parallel control constructs such as parallel loops and Cilk’s Cilk_Spawn keyword. Tapir also supports parallel optimizations, such as loop scheduling, which restructure the parallel control flow of the program. By making use of existing LLVM optimizations and new parallel optimizations, Tapir/LLVM can optimize recursive fork-join programs more effectively than traditional compilation methods. On a suite of 35 Cilk application benchmarks, Tapir/LLVM produces more efficient executables for 30 benchmarks, with faster 18-core running times for 26 of them, compared to a nearly identical compiler that compiles parallel linguistic constructs the traditional way.


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  1. Tapir: Embedding Recursive Fork-join Parallelism into LLVM’s Intermediate Representation



      William M. Waite

      A typical compiler has a front end that analyzes the source text and converts it to a language-independent intermediate representation (IR) whose structure and operations support general-purpose optimization in the compiler's middle end. The quality of the optimization depends on the IR's ability to express the intent of source language constructs in a way that the middle end understands and can improve. Although some compilers now support task parallel linguistic constructs, their front ends convert those constructs into more primitive IR sequences. Often, those sequences involve opaque procedure calls that block further optimization. The authors took a different approach with Tapir. They chose to extend the existing LLVM IR to encode logical parallelism and expose opportunities for standard compiler optimizations to work on parallel code. Integration of these extensions was relatively simple, and they turned out to be easy to maintain in response to LLVM changes. The extensions opened parallel code to a wide variety of standard optimizations by avoiding the problems with opaque procedure calls. According to the authors, the Tapir approach is premised on the notion that parallel programs can usually be executed serially and that there is a normative serial execution order for tasks. This allows them to define serial projection: A serial projection transforms a given program to replace parallel constructs with serial constructs. If the serial projection produces one of the valid behaviors of the original program, then the compiler and runtime system can execute parallel tasks serially. The authors argue that the serial projection property is supported by most task parallel programming models, but not necessarily by arbitrary concurrency mechanisms. They therefore strongly advocate that task parallelism and concurrency be treated as separate concepts. The paper describes how Tapir represents logically parallel tasks, how LLVM's analysis is adapted to Tapir programs, and how the authors evaluated Tapir in practice. Each of these topics is covered in detail, with examples and discussion. The authors discuss related work and present a comprehensive retrospective on where they have been and where they are going. I found the paper easy to read and engrossing; it should be accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of code optimization

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      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing
      ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing  Volume 6, Issue 4
      December 2019
      188 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 17 December 2019
      Accepted: 01 April 2019
      Revised: 01 January 2019
      Received: 01 April 2018
      Published in TOPC Volume 6, Issue 4


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      Author Tags

      1. Cilk
      2. LLVM
      3. OpenMP
      4. Tapir
      5. compiling
      6. control-flow graph
      7. fork-join parallelism
      8. multicore
      9. optimization
      10. parallel computing
      11. serial-projection property


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