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"Giving a little 'ayyy, I feel ya' to someone's personal post": Performing Support on Social Media

Published: 07 November 2019 Publication History


Social media platforms offer people a variety of ways to interact, ranging from public broadcast posts, to comments on posts, to private messages, to paralinguistic interactions such as "liking" posts. In 2015, the commenting function "replies" was temporarily removed from Tumblr, providing a unique opportunity to study the deprivation of a standard social media feature. We administered a survey to investigate Tumblr users' perceptions and use of replies. Respondents reported that they used replies to simultaneously support others' performance and their own. Respondents compared replies to other digital interaction channels such as paralinguistic interactions, the sharing feature "reblogs", and "direct messages" (DMs), citing social considerations and norms around each. We used Goffman's performance theory to draw insights on the perceived semi-public / semi-private space of replies, which enabled users to perform supportive actions that did not belong in their main blogging identity frontstage but that were not backstage either. We discuss the limitation of performance theory to describe a presentation to a limited but unknown audience, and we describe how replies enabled new frontstages such as the delicate ramp up to the performance of intimacy in DMs. We discuss implications for performing support and identity on social media with audiences that are perceived as limited but are unknown.


[n. d.]. Tumblr. Accessed March 2019
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  1. "Giving a little 'ayyy, I feel ya' to someone's personal post": Performing Support on Social Media



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