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Sparse Tensor Core: Algorithm and Hardware Co-Design for Vector-wise Sparse Neural Networks on Modern GPUs

Published: 12 October 2019 Publication History


Deep neural networks have become the compelling solution for the applications such as image classification, object detection, speech recognition, and machine translation. However, the great success comes at the cost of excessive computation due to the over-provisioned parameter space. To improve the computation efficiency of neural networks, many pruning techniques have been proposed to reduce the amount of multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations, which results in high sparsity in the networks.
Unfortunately, the sparse neural networks often run slower than their dense counterparts on modern GPUs due to their poor device utilization rate. In particular, as the sophisticated hardware primitives (e.g., Tensor Core) have been deployed to boost the performance of dense matrix multiplication by an order of magnitude, the performance of sparse neural networks lags behind significantly.
In this work, we propose an algorithm and hardware co-design methodology to accelerate the sparse neural networks. A novel pruning algorithm is devised to improve the workload balance and reduce the decoding overhead of the sparse neural networks. Meanwhile, new instructions and micro-architecture optimization are proposed in Tensor Core to adapt to the structurally sparse neural networks. Our experimental results show that the pruning algorithm can achieve 63% performance gain with model accuracy sustained. Furthermore, the hardware optimization gives an additional 58% performance gain with negligible area overhead.


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  1. Sparse Tensor Core: Algorithm and Hardware Co-Design for Vector-wise Sparse Neural Networks on Modern GPUs



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