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Development of a Distributed Blockchain eVoting System

Published: 15 July 2019 Publication History


Over the years, elections at different levels are the subject of many disputes, consolidation and reaffirmation of confidence in different leaders. These elections range from either boardroom elections, local elections to national elections. Correspondingly, electioneering as an institutional process has transformed with both technological advancements as well political sophistication. Blockchain as a nascent technology has ushered in a range of opportunities in different sectors such as finance, real estate, supply chain management, medical records, elections etc. In this paper, we leveraged on some of the key characteristics of Blockchain technology in form of immutability, auditability, confidentiality, transparency, decentralization etc to develop a Blockchain eVoting network system that can be utilized for geographically dispersed elections. Key users of the system or actors were isolated and their interactions with the system identified using Use Case Methodology. The system actors are the voters, miners that consists of Universities and public libraries, central authority, candidates and the voters. The different stages of an election process such as pre-election, registration of both candidates and voters, voting/balloting, tallying and auditing were equally enumerated. The interactions of the actors with the system were equally captured, analyzed and used to develop the conceptual system. The proposed system is made up of a multichain Blockchain network, an arbitration server, distributed database, an interactive, multi-device graphic user interface GUI, and an application server. To engender anonymity, a combination of Digital Signature and Secure Hash Algorithm SHA was proposed, also Proof of Work PoW was the proposed consensus algorithm. The identified stages of the election were evaluated against the requirements of an eVoting system. The proposed system was found to satisfy the requirements of an eVoting system such as transparency, privacy, scalability, receipt freeness, security, integrity, accuracy, auditable etc.


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