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Design of a symbolically executable embedded hypervisor

Published: 17 April 2020 Publication History


Hypervisor implementations such as XMHF, Nova, PROSPER, prplHypervisor, the various L4 descendants, as well as KVM and Xen offer mechanisms for dynamic startup and reconfiguration, including the allocation, delegation and destruction of objects and resources at runtime. Some use cases such as cloud computing depend on this dynamicity, yet its inclusion also renders the state space intractable to simulation-based verification tools. On the other hand, system architectures for embedded devices are often fixed in the number and properties of isolated tasks, therefore a much simpler, less dynamic hypervisor design would suffice. We close this design gap by presenting Phidias, a new hypervisor consisting of a minimal runtime codebase that is almost devoid of dynamicity, and a comprehensive compile-time configuration framework. We then leverage this lack of dynamic components to non-interactively verify the validity of certain invariants. Specifically, we verify hypervisor integrity by subjecting the compiled hypervisor binary to our own symbolic execution engine. Finally, we discuss our results, point out possible improvements, and hint at unexplored characteristics of a static hypervisor design.


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