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Unsupervised Cyberbullying Detection via Time-Informed Gaussian Mixture Model

Published: 19 October 2020 Publication History


Social media is a vital means for information-sharing due to its easy access, low cost, and fast dissemination characteristics. However, increases in social media usage have corresponded with a rise in the prevalence of cyberbullying. Most existing cyberbullying detection methods aresupervised and, thus, have two key drawbacks: (1) The data labeling process is often time-consuming and labor-intensive; (2) Current labeling guidelines may not be generalized to future instances because of different language usage and evolving social networks. To address these limitations, this work introduces a principled approach forunsupervised cyberbullying detection. The proposed model consists of two main components: (1) Arepresentation learning network that encodes the social media session by exploiting multi-modal features, e.g., text, network, and time. (2) Amulti-task learning network that simultaneously fits the comment inter-arrival times and estimates the bullying likelihood based on a Gaussian Mixture Model. The proposed model jointly optimizes the parameters of both components to overcome the shortcomings of decoupled training. Our core contribution is an unsupervised cyberbullying detection model that not only experimentally outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised models, but also achieves competitive performance compared to supervised models.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3340531.3411934.mp4)
This is the pre-recorded video for the paper Unsupervised Cyberbullying Detection via Time-Informed Gaussian Mixture Model. This video covers the studied problem, major challenges, key (and simple) idea of the proposed solution, and some empirical evaluation results. For details, please refer to the paper. Enjoy it and have fun!


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Published: 19 October 2020


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  1. Gaussian mixture model
  2. cyberbullying detection
  3. representation learning
  4. social media


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