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ICON: Intelligent Container Overlays

Published: 15 November 2018 Publication History


The Internet is largely a self-organizing system that adapts to changes in its operating environment. In this work, we extend these principles to service infrastructure and introduce ICON, standing for intelligent container. Technically, ICON is a container encapsulating a service that is consumed either directly by end-clients or other services. The novelty of ICON is in the ability of containers to adapt to their environment, targeting near-optimal service delivery and requiring only high-level guidance from the application management. Once deployed, containers form an overlay, observe their setting, and migrate or replicate themselves as needed, to the locations e.g., closest to service consumers. ICON captures our long-term vision for self-organizing service overlays that have the potential for global outreach. Bringing intelligence and adaptation to the level of individual containers renders a decentralized solution that has desirable properties, such as scalability, resilience, reliability, and adaptability to volatile environments. We hope that technology like ICON can open the way for more democratized service provisioning, disintermediating service providers from centralized brokers and optimizing orchestrators.

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HotNets '18: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
November 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 15 November 2018


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