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Near-side prefetch throttling: adaptive prefetching for high-performance many-core processors

Published: 01 November 2018 Publication History


In modern processors, prefetching is an essential component for hiding long-latency memory accesses. However, prefetching too aggressively can easily degrade performance by evicting useful data from cache, or by saturating precious memory bandwidth. Tuning the prefetcher's activity is thus an important problem. Existing techniques tend to focus on detecting negative symptoms of aggressive prefetching, such as unused prefetches being evicted or memory bandwidth saturation, and throttle the prefetcher in response.
We argue that these far-side throttling techniques are inefficient because they require significant tracking state, and are reactive to negative effects rather than being proactive. We propose an alternative technique which we coin near-side throttling, which works by detecting late prefetches and tuning the prefetch distance to closely track the point at which most prefetches are not late. Because late prefetches are by definition useful, detecting late prefetches exclusively suffices to detect and prevent useless prefetches as well. Our solution is cheap to implement in hardware, includes throttling on off-chip bandwidth saturation, applies to both hardware and software prefetching, and can control multiple concurrent prefetchers where it will naturally allow the most useful prefetch algorithm to generate most of the requests. Through detailed simulation of a many-core architecture running a wide range of sequential and parallel applications, we show that our near-side throttling (NST) proposal performs similar to the state-of-the-art feedback-directed prefetching (FDP), even though it has a significantly lower implementation cost, can react more quickly to changes in application behavior and is applicable to a more varied set of use cases.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PACT '18: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
November 2018
494 pages
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