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Towards enhanced hierarchical attention networks in ICD-9 tagging of clinical notes

Published: 24 November 2017 Publication History


Text is an important element in document classification in many natural language applications. Natural language processing (NLP) is today's computational advancement that provides many significant modern uses of text documents such as efficient information retrieval. In this paper, we describe the theoretical framework of predicting ICD-9 codes through tagging of clinical notes using our improved framework in deep learning called EnHANs. This proposed model improvement covers combination of word and topic embedding, as well as adding character-level representation of a document in a hierarchical attention neural networks. This paper also present the use of sigmoid activation function in the last layer of the enhanced neural network in order to arrive with a multi-label, multi-class prediction of clinical notes with ICD-9 codes.


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  1. Towards enhanced hierarchical attention networks in ICD-9 tagging of clinical notes



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    ICCIP '17: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing
    November 2017
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    Published: 24 November 2017


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    1. attention mechanism
    2. bidirectional recurrent neural network
    3. sigmoid function
    4. topic models
    5. word embedding


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