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A Survey On Automated Dynamic Malware Analysis Evasion and Counter-Evasion: PC, Mobile, and Web

Published: 16 November 2017 Publication History


Automated dynamic malware analysis systems are important in combating the proliferation of modern malware. Unfortunately, malware can often easily detect and evade these systems. Competition between malware authors and analysis system developers has pushed each to continually evolve their tactics for countering the other.
In this paper we systematically review i) "fingerprint"-based evasion techniques against automated dynamic malware analysis systems for PC, mobile, and web, ii) evasion detection, iii) evasion mitigation, and iv) offensive and defensive evasion case studies. We also discuss difficulties in experimental evaluation, highlight future directions in offensive and defensive research, and briefly survey related topics in anti-analysis.


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ROOTS: Proceedings of the 1st Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium
November 2017
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Published: 16 November 2017


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  1. Anti-Analysis
  2. Anti-Debugging
  3. Dynamic Analysis
  4. Emulation
  5. Evasive Malware
  6. Malware Analysis
  7. Virtualization


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