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Manifest sharing with session types

Published: 29 August 2017 Publication History


Session-typed languages building on the Curry-Howard isomorphism between linear logic and session-typed communication guarantee session fidelity and deadlock freedom. Unfortunately, these strong guarantees exclude many naturally occurring programming patterns pertaining to shared resources. In this paper, we introduce sharing into a session-typed language where types are stratified into linear and shared layers with modal operators connecting the layers. The resulting language retains session fidelity but not the absence of deadlocks, which can arise from contention for shared processes. We illustrate our language on various examples, such as the dining philosophers problem, and provide a translation of the untyped asynchronous π-calculus into our language.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 1, Issue ICFP
September 2017
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Published: 29 August 2017
Published in PACMPL Volume 1, Issue ICFP


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  1. Curry-Howard isomorphism
  2. session types
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