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10.1145/3057148.3057152acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesswmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Building recommender systems for scholarly information

Published: 10 February 2017 Publication History


The depth and breadth of research now being published is overwhelming for an individual researcher to keep track of let alone consume. Recommender systems have been developed to make it easier for researchers to discover relevant content. However, these have predominately taken the form of item-to-item recommendations using citation network features or text similarity features.
This paper details how the Mendeley Suggest recommender system has been designed and developed. We show how implicit user feedback (based on activity data from the reference manager) and collaborative filtering (CF) are used to generate the recommendations for Mendeley Suggest. Because collaborative filtering suffers from the cold start problem (the inability to serve recommendations to new users), we developed additional recommendation methods based on user-defined attributes, such as discipline and research interests.
Our off-line evaluation shows that where possible, recommendations based on collaborative filtering perform best, followed by recommendations based on recent activity. However, for cold users (for whom collaborative filtering was not possible) recommendations based on discipline performed best. Additionally, when we segmented users by career stages, we found that among senior academics, content-based recommendations from recent activity had comparable performance to collaborative filtering. This justifies our approach of developing a variety of recommendation methods, in order to serve a range of users across the academic spectrum.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
SWM '17: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scholarly Web Mining
February 2017
65 pages
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  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • OU: The Open University


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 February 2017


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  1. Implicit Feedback
  2. Recommender Systems
  3. Scholarly Information


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


SWM '17
SWM '17: 1st Workshop on Scholarly Web Mining
February 10, 2017
Cambridge, United Kingdom

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