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AVEC 2014: 3D Dimensional Affect and Depression Recognition Challenge

Published: 07 November 2014 Publication History


Mood disorders are inherently related to emotion. In particular, the behaviour of people suffering from mood disorders such as unipolar depression shows a strong temporal correlation with the affective dimensions valence, arousal and dominance. In addition to structured self-report questionnaires, psychologists and psychiatrists use in their evaluation of a patient's level of depression the observation of facial expressions and vocal cues. It is in this context that we present the fourth Audio-Visual Emotion recognition Challenge (AVEC 2014). This edition of the challenge uses a subset of the tasks used in a previous challenge, allowing for more focussed studies. In addition, labels for a third dimension (Dominance) have been added and the number of annotators per clip has been increased to a minimum of three, with most clips annotated by 5. The challenge has two goals logically organised as sub-challenges: the first is to predict the continuous values of the affective dimensions valence, arousal and dominance at each moment in time. The second is to predict the value of a single self-reported severity of depression indicator for each recording in the dataset. This paper presents the challenge guidelines, the common data used, and the performance of the baseline system on the two tasks.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    AVEC '14: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge
    November 2014
    110 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 07 November 2014


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    1. affective computing
    2. challenge
    3. emotion recognition
    4. facial expression
    5. speech


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    MM '14
    MM '14: 2014 ACM Multimedia Conference
    November 7, 2014
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