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10.1145/2642918.2647373acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesuistConference Proceedingsconference-collections

In-air gestures around unmodified mobile devices

Published: 05 October 2014 Publication History


We present a novel machine learning based algorithm extending the interaction space around mobile devices. The technique uses only the RGB camera now commonplace on off-the-shelf mobile devices. Our algorithm robustly recognizes a wide range of in-air gestures, supporting user variation, and varying lighting conditions. We demonstrate that our algorithm runs in real-time on unmodified mobile devices, including resource-constrained smartphones and smartwatches. Our goal is not to replace the touchscreen as primary input device, but rather to augment and enrich the existing interaction vocabulary using gestures. While touch input works well for many scenarios, we demonstrate numerous interaction tasks such as mode switches, application and task management, menu selection and certain types of navigation, where such input can be either complemented or better served by in-air gestures. This removes screen real-estate issues on small touchscreens, and allows input to be expanded to the 3D space around the device. We present results for recognition accuracy (93% test and 98% train), impact of memory footprint and other model parameters. Finally, we report results from preliminary user evaluations, discuss advantages and limitations and conclude with directions for future work.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (
The supplementary material contains additional information on the random forest evaluation and in particular aspects pertaining to the implementation on mobile phones. Furthermore, we report additional results from experiments with an extended gesture set. (uistf2149-file3.mp4)
Supplemental video


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UIST '14: Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 05 October 2014


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  1. HCI
  2. gesture recognition
  3. mobile computing
  4. mobile gestures
  5. mobile interaction
  6. random forests


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