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A study and toolkit for asynchronous programming in c#

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


Asynchronous programming is in demand today, because responsiveness is increasingly important on all modern devices. Yet, we know little about how developers use asynchronous programming in practice. Without such knowledge, developers, researchers, language and library designers, and tool providers can make wrong assumptions.
We present the first study that analyzes the usage of asynchronous programming in a large experiment. We analyzed 1378 open source Windows Phone (WP) apps, comprising 12M SLOC, produced by 3376 developers. Using this data, we answer 2 research questions about use and misuse of asynchronous constructs. Inspired by these findings, we developed (i) Asyncifier, an automated refactoring tool that converts callback-based asynchronous code to use async/await; (ii) Corrector, a tool that finds and corrects common misuses of async/await. Our empirical evaluation shows that these tools are (i) applicable and (ii) efficient. Developers accepted 314 patches generated by our tools.


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  1. A study and toolkit for asynchronous programming in c#



    Ganesh Bikshandi

    Several common mistakes that programmers commit while writing asynchronous (async) programs are addressed in this paper. First, the authors discuss the different kinds of async programs available (call based and task asynchronous pattern (TAP) based). The errors are caused by the misuse of async methods, which hurts performance and might cause serious problems like deadlocks. Examples are fire and forget async methods that cannot be waited on to get any useful result, and long-running async methods. Second, they introduce the async-await idiom (recently introduced). Third, they study common errors that programmers commit while using these application programming interfaces (APIs) and propose an automated solution to correct them. The paper's approach to using automated tools for converting callback-based code to async code deserves special mention. Such optimizations are hard to implement automatically and the paper succeeds at this. Another strong point of the paper is the fact that the authors use a vast number of real-world Windows Phone apps to derive their conclusions. Overall, the paper is very useful for Android app developers and researchers building automated tools for Android app development. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ICSE 2014: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering
    May 2014
    1139 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 31 May 2014


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    2. Program transformation
    3. asynchronous


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