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10.1145/2556195.2556243acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswsdmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Detecting cohesive and 2-mode communities indirected and undirected networks

Published: 24 February 2014 Publication History


Networks are a general language for representing relational information among objects. An effective way to model, reason about, and summarize networks, is to discover sets of nodes with common connectivity patterns. Such sets are commonly referred to as network communities. Research on network community detection has predominantly focused on identifying communities of densely connected nodes in undirected networks.
In this paper we develop a novel overlapping community detection method that scales to networks of millions of nodes and edges and advances research along two dimensions: the connectivity structure of communities, and the use of edge directedness for community detection. First, we extend traditional definitions of network communities by building on the observation that nodes can be densely interlinked in two different ways: In cohesive communities nodes link to each other, while in 2-mode communities nodes link in a bipartite fashion, where links predominate between the two partitions rather than inside them. Our method successfully detects both 2-mode as well as cohesive communities, that may also overlap or be hierarchically nested. Second, while most existing community detection methods treat directed edges as though they were undirected, our method accounts for edge directions and is able to identify novel and meaningful community structures in both directed and undirected networks, using data from social, biological, and ecological domains.


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  1. Detecting cohesive and 2-mode communities indirected and undirected networks



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    WSDM '14: Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Web search and data mining
    February 2014
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 24 February 2014


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    1. 2-mode communities
    2. network communities
    3. overlapping community detection


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