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A theoretical analysis of the risk evaluation formulas for spectrum-based fault localization

Published: 22 October 2013 Publication History


An important research area of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL) is the effectiveness of risk evaluation formulas. Most previous studies have adopted an empirical approach, which can hardly be considered as sufficiently comprehensive because of the huge number of combinations of various factors in SBFL. Though some studies aimed at overcoming the limitations of the empirical approach, none of them has provided a completely satisfactory solution. Therefore, we provide a theoretical investigation on the effectiveness of risk evaluation formulas. We define two types of relations between formulas, namely, equivalent and better. To identify the relations between formulas, we develop an innovative framework for the theoretical investigation. Our framework is based on the concept that the determinant for the effectiveness of a formula is the number of statements with risk values higher than the risk value of the faulty statement. We group all program statements into three disjoint sets with risk values higher than, equal to, and lower than the risk value of the faulty statement, respectively. For different formulas, the sizes of their sets are compared using the notion of subset. We use this framework to identify the maximal formulas which should be the only formulas to be used in SBFL.


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  1. A theoretical analysis of the risk evaluation formulas for spectrum-based fault localization



    T.H. Tse

    Spectrum-based fault localization is a popular technique in automatic program debugging. Researchers analyze the distribution of pass and fail cases in program testing using different risk evaluation formulas, and validate how their proposals are better than earlier work via empirical studies. In this paper, the authors propose a theoretical framework to compare 30 risk evaluation formulas in terms of the percentage of code examined before a fault is identified. They rank the formulas using "better" and "equivalent" relations. Only five formulas are proven to be the most efficient. Many of the best-known formulas are not among them. There is an unhealthy tendency toward empirical studies in software testing and debugging research. Researchers use hypothesis testing to determine whether their proposal is better than that of their predecessors. Reviewers demand more subject programs and larger test pools for further validation. It is refreshing to see that the authors of this paper do not simply rely on empirical studies, but prove mathematically whether various proposals have hit their mark. This paper is not the only example of the successful application of mathematical theory by Chen's research group. Chen and Merkel prove in one paper [1] that no test case generation technique can be better than random testing by more than 50 percent. Hence, their proposed adaptive random testing technique is close to this theoretic limit. In another paper [2], Chen and Yu prove that their proposed proportional sampling strategy is the only partition testing strategy that ensures that the probability of finding at least one failure is no lower than random testing for any program. Understandably, some researchers are disgruntled because these theoretical results stop them from making further incremental proposals. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 22, Issue 4
    Testing, debugging, and error handling, formal methods, lifecycle concerns, evolution and maintenance
    October 2013
    387 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 October 2013
    Accepted: 01 October 2012
    Revised: 01 September 2012
    Received: 01 January 2012
    Published in TOSEM Volume 22, Issue 4


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    1. Debugging
    2. risk evaluation formulas
    3. spectrum-based fault localization
    4. testing


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