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A lightweight infrastructure for graph analytics

Published: 03 November 2013 Publication History


Several domain-specific languages (DSLs) for parallel graph analytics have been proposed recently. In this paper, we argue that existing DSLs can be implemented on top of a general-purpose infrastructure that (i) supports very fine-grain tasks, (ii) implements autonomous, speculative execution of these tasks, and (iii) allows application-specific control of task scheduling policies. To support this claim, we describe such an implementation called the Galois system.
We demonstrate the capabilities of this infrastructure in three ways. First, we implement more sophisticated algorithms for some of the graph analytics problems tackled by previous DSLs and show that end-to-end performance can be improved by orders of magnitude even on power-law graphs, thanks to the better algorithms facilitated by a more general programming model. Second, we show that, even when an algorithm can be expressed in existing DSLs, the implementation of that algorithm in the more general system can be orders of magnitude faster when the input graphs are road networks and similar graphs with high diameter, thanks to more sophisticated scheduling. Third, we implement the APIs of three existing graph DSLs on top of the common infrastructure in a few hundred lines of code and show that even for power-law graphs, the performance of the resulting implementations often exceeds that of the original DSL systems, thanks to the lightweight infrastructure.

Supplementary Material

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SOSP '13: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
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