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Compressing and indexing labeled trees, with applications

Published: 27 November 2009 Publication History


Consider an ordered, static tree T where each node has a label from alphabet Σ. Tree T may be of arbitrary degree and shape. Our goal is designing a compressed storage scheme of T that supports basic navigational operations among the immediate neighbors of a node (i.e. parent, ith child, or any child with some label,…) as well as more sophisticated path-based search operations over its labeled structure.
We present a novel approach to this problem by designing what we call the XBW-transform of the tree in the spirit of the well-known Burrows-Wheeler transform for strings [1994]. The XBW-transform uses path-sorting to linearize the labeled tree T into two coordinated arrays, one capturing the structure and the other the labels. For the first time, by using the properties of the XBW-transform, our compressed indexes go beyond the information-theoretic lower bound, and support navigational and path-search operations over labeled trees within (near-)optimal time bounds and entropy-bounded space.
Our XBW-transform is simple and likely to spur new results in the theory of tree compression and indexing, as well as interesting application contexts. As an example, we use the XBW-transform to design and implement a compressed index for XML documents whose compression ratio is significantly better than the one achievable by state-of-the-art tools, and its query time performance is order of magnitudes faster.


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Journal of the ACM  Volume 57, Issue 1
November 2009
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Publication History

Published: 27 November 2009
Accepted: 01 July 2009
Revised: 01 September 2008
Received: 01 March 2007
Published in JACM Volume 57, Issue 1


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  1. Burrows-Wheeler transform
  2. XML compression
  3. XML indexing
  4. labeled tree compression
  5. labeled tree indexing
  6. path searching
  7. tree navigation


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