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Conjunction as composition

Published: 01 October 1993 Publication History


Partial specifications written in many different specification languages can be composed if they are all given semantics in the same domain, or alternatively, all translated into a common style of predicate logic. The common semantic domain must be very general, the particular semantics assigned to each specification language must be conducive to composition, and there must be some means of communication that enables specifications to build on one another. The criteria for success are that a wide variety of specification languages should be accommodated, there should be no restrictions on where boundaries between languages can be placed, and intuitive expectations of the specifier should be met.


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James C. Pleasant

The authors provide theoretical details toward implementing an approach to composition of partial specifications suggested by Wing [1]. The basic approach consists of assigning semantics in a common semantic domain to all specification languages and defining the semantics of the composition of a set of partial specifications as the set of specificands (members of the semantic domain) satisfying all of them. In this paper, the semantics of a specification is defined as an assertion in predicate logic, while the semantics of a composition of partial specifications is the composition of their assertions. With these definitions, a set of partial specifications is consistent if and only if the conjunction of their assertions is satisfiable. Limitations of this approach to multiparadigm specifications, pointed out by the authors, include the difficulty of providing algorithmic translations to predicate logic of large, rich languages, such as Z, and the need to provide nonstandard semantics for some languages. The basic theoretical approach put forth in this paper seems straightforward, and the results reported here point to the method's usefulness. Strong points of the paper include the authors' careful consideration of what constitutes success of this approach to specification and their candid appraisal of the limitations of the method. The merits of the method could be more clearly demonstrated by the development of a repository of examples whose details are more fully worked out than those in this paper.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 2, Issue 4
Oct. 1993
101 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 1993
Published in TOSEM Volume 2, Issue 4


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  1. compositional specification
  2. multiparadigm specification
  3. practical specification


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