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Enabling the adoption of aspects - testing aspects: a risk model, fault model and patterns

Published: 02 March 2009 Publication History


Aspect oriented programming (AOP) has started to achieve industry adoption for custom programs and some adoption in frameworks such as the Spring framework. Aspect oriented programming provides many benefits -- it can increase the scope of concerns that can be captured cleanly, it has explicit language support, and the separation provided by AOP provides an elegant mechanism for custom solutions.
In this paper we present a model for AOP testing. This includes a model for risk assessment, an associated fault model and AOP testing patterns. We also propose further opportunities for research in the area for automated AOP risk assessment and testing.
At ApTSi™ (Applied Technology Solutions, Inc.) we have been applying AOP in the creation of our SOASense™ framework, and in our consulting engagements. We are seeing adoption typically in classical AOP areas such as Logging, Error Handling, Audit events, etc. In these scenarios, having a reliable AOP implementation is critical. For example, having an Audit event not occur for a service call due to a faulty join-point definition can have severe legal implications. We need a solution that provides reliability, is repeatable and enables us to assess risk.


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  1. Enabling the adoption of aspects - testing aspects: a risk model, fault model and patterns



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    AOSD '09: Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented software development
    March 2009
    278 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 02 March 2009


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    1. aspect-oriented programming
    2. aspectj
    3. bytecode
    4. decompilation
    5. eclipse
    6. testing
    7. weaver
    8. woven code


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