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User language model for collaborative personalized search

Published: 09 March 2009 Publication History


Traditional personalized search approaches rely solely on individual profiles to construct a user model. They are often confronted by two major problems: data sparseness and cold-start for new individuals. Data sparseness refers to the fact that most users only visit a small portion of Web pages and hence a very sparse user-term relationship matrix is generated, while cold-start for new individuals means that the system cannot conduct any personalization without previous browsing history. Recently, community-based approaches were proposed to use the group's social behaviors as a supplement to personalization. However, these approaches only consider the commonality of a group of users and still cannot satisfy the diverse information needs of different users. In this article, we present a new approach, called collaborative personalized search. It considers not only the commonality factor among users for defining group user profiles and global user profiles, but also the specialties of individuals. Then, a statistical user language model is proposed to integrate the individual model, group user model and global user model together. In this way, the probability that a user will like a Web page is calculated through a two-step smoothing mechanism. First, a global user model is used to smooth the probability of unseen terms in the individual profiles and provide aggregated behavior of global users. Then, in order to precisely describe individual interests by looking at the behaviors of similar users, users are clustered into groups and group-user models are constructed. The group-user models are integrated into an overall model through a cluster-based language model. The behaviors of the group users can be utilized to enhance the performance of personalized search. This model can alleviate the two aforementioned problems and provide a more effective personalized search than previous approaches. Large-scale experimental evaluations are conducted to show that the proposed approach substantially improves the relevance of a search over several competitive methods.


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      ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 27, Issue 2
      February 2009
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      Published: 09 March 2009
      Accepted: 01 August 2008
      Revised: 01 April 2007
      Received: 01 July 2006
      Published in TOIS Volume 27, Issue 2


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      1. Collaborative personalized search
      2. clustering
      3. cold-start
      4. data Sparseness
      5. smoothing
      6. user language model


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