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Sampled 3D models for CH applications: A viable and enabling new medium or just a technological exercise?

Published: 18 June 2008 Publication History


Any application of three-dimensional computer graphics in the Cultural Heritage (CH) field requires availability of a digital model of the artifact(s) treated. Detailed and accurate digital 3D models can be produced with 3D scanning devices, which allow conversion of reality into digital form in a cost and time-effective manner. We present the capabilities of this technology and the main issues which are preventing its wider use in contemporary applications, highlighting some open problems and a few promising new approaches for 3D model construction. We also briefly review some CH applications which could boost the diffusion and evolution of 3D scanning technology.


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Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage   Volume 1, Issue 1
June 2008
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Publication History

Published: 18 June 2008
Accepted: 01 November 2007
Revised: 01 March 2007
Received: 01 December 2006
Published in JOCCH Volume 1, Issue 1


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  1. 3D scanning
  2. color data acquisition and mapping
  3. computer-aided restoration
  4. efficient visualization
  5. scanning pipeline


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