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Web search personalization with ontological user profiles

Published: 06 November 2007 Publication History


Every user has a distinct background and a specific goal when searching for information on the Web. The goal of Web search personalization is to tailor search results to a particular user based on that user's interests and preferences. Effective personalization of information access involves two important challenges: accurately identifying the user context and organizing the information in such a way that matches the particular context. We present an approach to personalized search that involves building models of user context as ontological profiles by assigning implicitly derived interest scores to existing concepts in a domain ontology. A spreading activation algorithm is used to maintain the interest scores based on the user's ongoing behavior. Our experiments show that re-ranking the search results based on the interest scores and the semantic evidence in an ontological user profile is effective in presenting the most relevant results to the user.


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    CIKM '07: Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and knowledge management
    November 2007
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