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10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01491.xacmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesegConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Hierarchical image-space radiosity for interactive global illumination

Published: 29 June 2009 Publication History


We introduce image-space radiosity and a hierarchical variant as a method for interactively approximating diffuse indirect illumination in fully dynamic scenes. As oft observed, diffuse indirect illumination contains mainly low-frequency details that do not require independent computations at every pixel. Prior work leverages this to reduce computation costs by clustering and caching samples in world or object space. This often involves scene preprocessing, complex data structures for caching, or wasted computations outside the view frustum. We instead propose clustering computations in image space, allowing the use of cheap hardware mipmapping and implicit quadtrees to allow coarser illumination computations. We build on a recently introduced multiresolution splatting technique combined with an image-space lightcut algorithm to intelligently choose virtual point lights for an interactive, one-bounce instant radiosity solution. Intelligently selecting point lights from our reflective shadow map enables temporally coherent illumination similar to results using more than 4096 regularly-sampled VPLs.


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  1. Hierarchical image-space radiosity for interactive global illumination



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      EGSR'09: Proceedings of the Twentieth Eurographics conference on Rendering
      June 2009
      1255 pages



      Eurographics Association

      Goslar, Germany

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      Published: 29 June 2009

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