Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Safe Legged Navigation in Partially Observable Environments
Pages 4913 - 4934
This study proposes a hierarchically integrated framework for safe task and motion planning (TAMP) of bipedal locomotion in a partially observable environment with dynamic obstacles and uneven terrain. The high-level task planner employs linear temporal logic for a reactive game synthesis between the robot and its environment and provides a formal guarantee on navigation safety and task completion. To address environmental partial observability, a belief abstraction model is designed by partitioning the environment into multiple belief regions and employed at the high-level navigation planner to estimate the dynamic obstacles' location. This additional location information of dynamic obstacles offered by belief abstraction enables less conservative long-horizon navigation actions beyond guaranteeing immediate collision avoidance. Accordingly, a synthesized action planner sends a set of locomotion actions to the middle-level motion planner while incorporating safe locomotion specifications extracted from safety theorems based on a reduced-order model (ROM) of the locomotion process. The motion planner employs the ROM to design safety criteria and a sampling algorithm to generate nonperiodic motion plans that accurately track high-level actions. At the low level, a foot placement controller based on an angular-momentum linear inverted pendulum model is implemented and integrated with an ankle-actuated passivity-based controller for full-body trajectory tracking. To address external perturbations, this study also investigates the safe sequential composition of the keyframe locomotion state and achieves robust transitions against external perturbations through reachability analysis. The overall TAMP framework is validated with extensive simulations and hardware experiments on bipedal walking robots Cassie and Digit designed by Agility Robotics.
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- Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Safe Legged Navigation in Partially Observable Environments
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Towards Safe Locomotion Navigation in Partially Observable Environments with Uneven Terrain
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)This study proposes an integrated task and motion planning method for dynamic locomotion in partially observable environments with multi-level safety guarantees. This layered planning framework is composed of a high-level symbolic task planner and a low-...
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