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SDE2D: Semantic-Guided Discriminability Enhancement Feature Detector and Descriptor

Published: 23 December 2024 Publication History


Local feature detectors and descriptors serve various computer vision tasks, such as image matching, visual localization, and 3D reconstruction. To address the extreme variations of rotation and light in the real world, most detectors and descriptors capture as much invariance as possible. However, these methods ignore feature discriminability and perform poorly in indoor scenes. Indoor scenes have too many weak-textured and even repeatedly textured regions, so it is necessary for the extracted features to possess sufficient discriminability. Therefore, we propose a semantic-guided method (called SDE2D) enhancing feature discriminability to improve the performance of descriptors for indoor scenes. We develop a kind of semantic-guided discriminability enhancement (SDE) loss function that uses semantic information from indoor scenes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep research that applies semantic segmentation to enhance discriminability. In addition, we design a novel framework that allows semantic segmentation network to be well embedded as a module in the overall framework and provides guidance information for training. Besides, we explore the impact of different semantic segmentation models on our method. The experimental results on indoor scenes datasets demonstrate that the proposed SDE2D performs well compared with the state-of-the-art models.


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  1. SDE2D: Semantic-Guided Discriminability Enhancement Feature Detector and Descriptor
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