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The Node Distribution of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Published: 01 July 2003 Publication History


The random waypoint model is a commonly used mobility model in the simulation of ad hoc networks. It is known that the spatial distribution of network nodes moving according to this model is, in general, nonuniform. However, a closed-form expression of this distribution and an in-depth investigation is still missing. This fact impairs the accuracy of the current simulation methodology of ad hoc networks and makes it impossible to relate simulation-based performance results to corresponding analytical results. To overcome these problems, we present a detailed analytical study of the spatial node distribution generated by random waypoint mobility. More specifically, we consider a generalization of the model in which the pause time of the mobile nodes is chosen arbitrarily in each waypoint and a fraction of nodes may remain static for the entire simulation time. We show that the structure of the resulting distribution is the weighted sum of three independent components: the static, pause, and mobility component. This division enables us to understand how the model's parameters influence the distribution. We derive an exact equation of the asymptotically stationary distribution for movement on a line segment and an accurate approximation for a square area. The good quality of this approximation is validated through simulations using various settings of the mobility parameters. In summary, this article gives a fundamental understanding of the behavior of the random waypoint model.


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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing  Volume 2, Issue 3
July-September 2003
84 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2003

Author Tags

  1. Mobility modeling
  2. mobile ad hoc networking
  3. random waypoint model
  4. simulation.


  • Research-article


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