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Collaborative Mixed Reality Visualization of an Archaeological Excavation

Published: 02 November 2004 Publication History


We present VITA (Visual Interaction Tool for Archaeology), an experimental collaborative mixed reality system for offsite visualization of an archaeological dig. Our system allows multiple users to visualize the dig site in a mixed reality environment in which tracked, see-through, head-worn displays are combined with a multi-user, multi-touch, projected table surface, a large screen display, and tracked hand-held displays. We focus on augmenting existing archaeological analysis methods with new ways to organize, visualize, and combine the standard 2D information available from an excavation (drawings, pictures, and notes) with textured, laser range-scanned 3D models of objects and the site itself. Users can combine speech, touch, and 3D hand gestures to interact multimodally with the environment. Preliminary user tests were conducted with archaeology researchers and students, and their feedback is presented here.


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ISMAR '04: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
November 2004
301 pages



IEEE Computer Society

United States

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Published: 02 November 2004

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