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View all- Ancona DBono VBravetti MCampos JCastagna GDeniélou PGay SGesbert NGiachino EHu RJohnsen EMartins FMascardi VMontesi FNeykova RNg NPadovani LVasconcelos VYoshida N(2016)Behavioral Types in Programming LanguagesFoundations and Trends in Programming Languages10.1561/25000000313:2-3(95-230)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2016
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- Castellani IDezani-Ciancaglini MPérez J(2016)Self-adaptation and secure information flow in multiparty communicationsFormal Aspects of Computing10.1007/s00165-016-0381-328:4(669-696)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2016
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