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Subtypes for Specifications: Predicate Subtyping in PVS

Published: 01 September 1998 Publication History


A specification language used in the context of an effective theorem prover can provide novel features that enhance precision and expressiveness. In particular, typechecking for the language can exploit the services of the theorem prover. We describe a feature called "predicate subtyping" that uses this capability and illustrate its utility as mechanized in PVS.


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Nancy R. Mead

In this technical paper, the authors introduce the notion of subtypes in the PVS specification language. Types in specifications are interpreted as sets of values; subtypes take advantage of the subset concept. According to the authors, one type is a subset of another if the set interpreting the first type is a subset of the set interpreting the second. Predicate subtypes associate a predicate or property with the subtype. For example, the natural numbers are a subtype of the integers, characterized by the predicate “greater than or equal to zero.” Examples of subtypes are given in PVS, which can then be used in the context of theorem proving. In this way, errors can be discovered not only by inspection, but also by automating proofs with predicate subtypes. The authors also address enforcement of invariants, and avoidance of partial functions with predicate subtypes. Comparisons are made with subtypes in programming languages. The paper is well written and has an extensive reference list. It should interest researchers who are working i n theorem proving and formal specification languages.

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cover image IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  Volume 24, Issue 9
September 1998
95 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 September 1998

Author Tags

  1. Formal methods
  2. PVS.
  3. consistency
  4. specification languages
  5. subtypes
  6. type systems
  7. typechecking


  • Research-article


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