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Alteration of muscle synergy structure while walking under increased postural constraints

Published: 19 May 2020 Publication History


It is hypothesised that specific groups of muscles aka muscle synergies (MSs) are combined by the central nervous system to control a wide repertoire of movements and also simplify motor control. Therefore, studying MSs during human locomotion is of significance, as it may reveal neuromuscular strategies for postural stability. In this study, the authors aimed to use the hypothesis of MSs to identify specific muscle co‐activations during overground walking and slacklining where postural perturbations were generated by the participants rather than being externally controlled. Nine participants were asked to walk overground and on a slackline while they recorded myoelectric activity of their leg muscles. They extracted synergies from the electromyography signals in the two tasks using factor analysis. The results showed adaptation in the shared MSs structure during walking on the slackline and these shared MSs across participants were recruited flexibly to meet the demand for stability. The modulation of synergies suggests adaptive neuromuscular strategies for stability while walking on a slackline. Specifically, higher activation of quadriceps during slacklining suggests a crouched gait to facilitate balance. During overground walking, lower leg muscles revealed higher activation compared to slacklining to support a more consistent toe‐off during the stance phase.

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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Cognitive Computation and Systems
Cognitive Computation and Systems  Volume 2, Issue 2
June 2020
51 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
This is an open access article published by the IET in partnership with Shenzhen University under the Creative Commons Attribution ‐NonCommercial License (‐nc/3.0/)


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 19 May 2020

Author Tags

  1. medical signal processing
  2. electromyography
  3. neurophysiology
  4. muscle
  5. biomechanics
  6. gait analysis

Author Tags

  1. higher activation
  2. slacklining
  3. overground walking
  4. lower leg muscles
  5. muscle synergy structure
  6. increased postural constraints
  7. specific groups
  8. muscles aka muscle synergies
  9. central nervous system
  10. motor control
  11. human locomotion
  12. postural stability
  13. specific muscle co‐activations
  14. postural perturbations
  15. slackline
  16. myoelectric activity
  17. shared MSs structure
  18. adaptive neuromuscular strategies


  • Research-article


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