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The choice of the offspring population size in the (1,λ) evolutionary algorithm

Published: 01 August 2014 Publication History


We extend the theory of non-elitist evolutionary algorithms (EAs) by considering the offspring population size in the (1,@l) EA. We establish a sharp threshold at @l=log"e"e"-"1n~5log"1"0n between exponential and polynomial running times on OneMax. For any smaller value, the (1,@l) EA needs exponential time on every function that has only one global optimum. We also consider arbitrary unimodal functions and show that the threshold can shift towards larger offspring population sizes. In particular, for the function LeadingOnes there is a sharp threshold at @l=2log"e"e"-"1n~10log"1"0n. Finally, we investigate the relationship between the offspring population size and arbitrary mutation rates on OneMax. We get sharp thresholds for @l that decrease with the mutation rate. This illustrates the balance between selection and mutation.


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  1. The choice of the offspring population size in the (1,λ) evolutionary algorithm



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Theoretical Computer Science
    Theoretical Computer Science  Volume 545, Issue
    August, 2014
    128 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

    United Kingdom

    Publication History

    Published: 01 August 2014

    Author Tags

    1. Comma strategies
    2. Drift analysis
    3. Evolutionary algorithms
    4. Offspring populations
    5. Runtime analysis
    6. Theory


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