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Extensions to vector field SLAM for large environments

Published: 01 September 2014 Publication History


Vector field SLAM is a framework for localizing a mobile robot in an unknown environment by learning the spatial distribution of continuous signals such as those emitted by WiFi or active beacons. In our previous work we showed that this approach is capable of keeping a robot localized in small to medium sized areas, e.g. in a living room, where four continuous signals of an active beacon are measured (Gutmann et al., 2012). In this article we extend the method to larger environments up to the size of a complete home by deploying more signal sources for covering the expanded area. We first analyze the complexity of vector field SLAM with respect to area size and number of signals and then describe an approximation that divides the localization map into decoupled sub-maps to keep memory and run-time requirements low. We also describe a method for re-localizing the robot in a vector field previously mapped. This enables a robot to resume its navigation after it has been kidnapped or paused and resumed. The re-localization method is evaluated in a standard test environment and shows an average position accuracy of 10 to 35 cm with a localization success rate of 96 to 99%. Additional experimental results from running the system in houses of up to 125 m^2 demonstrate the performance of our approach. The presented methods are suitable for commercial low-cost products including robots for autonomous and systematic floor cleaning.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Robotics and Autonomous Systems  Volume 62, Issue 9
September, 2014
115 pages


North-Holland Publishing Co.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2014

Author Tags

  1. Floor cleaning
  2. Re-localization
  3. Simultaneous localization and mapping
  4. Sub-maps
  5. Vector field


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