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Dynamic distortion maps for image retargeting

Published: 01 January 2013 Publication History


We present an image retargeting method that incorporates image content distortion into a mesh optimization process through the generation of dynamic distortion maps. The warping process is driven by the distortion produced by the warping process itself. We retarget the image through an iterative mesh optimization process to minimize the visual distortion. An adaptive distortion map is iteratively constructed to describe the visual distortion between the original image and the retargeted image. The mesh mapping from the source image to the retargeted image is optimized through an energy minimization process. The objective of the optimization is to allow the distortion produced by the retargeting process to be distributed to smooth and highly textured regions which cause less visual distortion while preserving the geometrical structure of the mesh at regions that may cause distortion after retargeting. Experimental evaluation of the algorithm is done both subjectively and objectively.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation  Volume 24, Issue 1
January, 2013
93 pages


Academic Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2013

Author Tags

  1. Dynamic distortion map
  2. Geometrical distortion
  3. Image retargeting
  4. Image warping
  5. Mesh optimization
  6. Multi-level optimization
  7. Sparse linear system
  8. Visual distortion


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