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Skin lesion classification using modified deep and multi-directional invariant handcrafted features

Published: 18 November 2024 Publication History


Skin lesions encompass various skin conditions, including cancerous growths resulting from uncontrolled proliferation of skin cells. Globally, this disease affects a significant portion of the population, with millions of fatalities recorded. Over the past three decades, there has been a concerning escalation in diagnosed cases of skin cancer. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment, as late diagnosis significantly heightens mortality risk. Existing research often focuses on either handcrafted or deep features, neglecting the diverse textural and structural properties inherent in skin lesion images. Additionally, reliance on a single optimizer in CNN-based schemes poses efficiency challenges. To tackle these issues, this paper presents two novel approaches for classifying skin lesions in dermoscopic images to assess cancer severity. The first approach enhances classification accuracy by leveraging a modified VGG-16 network and employing both RMSProp and Adam optimizers. The second approach introduces a Hybrid CNN Model, integrating deep features from the modified VGG-16 network with handcrafted color and multi-directional texture features. Color features are extracted using a non-uniform cumulative probability-based histogram method, while texture features are derived from a 45∘ rotated complex wavelet filter-based dual-tree complex wavelet transform. The amalgamated features facilitate accurate prediction of skin lesion classes. Evaluation on ISIC 2017 skin cancer classification challenge images demonstrates significant performance enhancements over existing techniques.


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  1. Skin lesion classification using modified deep and multi-directional invariant handcrafted features
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Journal of Network and Computer Applications
            Journal of Network and Computer Applications  Volume 231, Issue C
            Nov 2024
            309 pages


            Academic Press Ltd.

            United Kingdom

            Publication History

            Published: 18 November 2024

            Author Tags

            1. Complex wavelet transform
            2. Convolutional neural network
            3. Deep features
            4. Invariant features
            5. Probability-histogram
            6. Skin lesion


            • Research-article


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