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A many-objective population extremal optimization algorithm with an adaptive hybrid mutation operation

Published: 01 September 2019 Publication History


Many-objective optimization problems abbreviated as MaOPs with more than three objectives have attracted increasing interests due to their widely existing in a variety of real-world applications. This paper presents a novel many-objective population extremal optimization called MaOPEO-HM algorithm for MaOPs by introducing a reference set based many-objective optimization mechanism into a recently developed population extremal optimization framework and designing an adaptive hybrid mutation operation for updating the population. Despite of the successful applications of extremal optimization in different kinds of numerical and engineering optimization problems, it has never been explored to the many-objective optimization domain so far. Because most of the existing many-objective evolutionary algorithms are usually guided by a single mutation operation, which has insufficient ability to exploit the search space of MaOPs and will get stuck at any local efficient front, it is the first attempt to design a novel hybrid mutation scheme in MaOPEO-HM algorithm by combining the advantages of polynomial mutation operator and multi-non-uniform mutation operator effectively. The experiment results for DTLZ test problems with 3, 5, 8, 10, and 15 objectives and WFG test problems with 3, 5, and 8 objectives have demonstrated the superiority of the proposed MaOPEO-HM to five state-of-the-art decomposition-based many-objective evolutionary algorithms including NSGA-III, RVEA, EFR-RR, θ-DEA, and MOEA/DD and two non-decomposition-based algorithms including GrEA and Two_Arch2. Furthermore, the great ability of the designed adaptive hybrid mutation operation incorporated into many-objective population extremal optimization (MaOPEO) has also been illustrated by comparing MaOPEO-HM and two MaOPEO algorithms only based on traditional multi-non-uniform mutation or polynomial mutation for DTLZ problems.


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  1. A many-objective population extremal optimization algorithm with an adaptive hybrid mutation operation
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Information Sciences: an International Journal
        Information Sciences: an International Journal  Volume 498, Issue C
        Sep 2019
        170 pages


        Elsevier Science Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 September 2019

        Author Tags

        1. Many-objective optimization problems
        2. Many-objective evolutionary algorithms
        3. Many-objective population extremal optimization
        4. Adaptive hybrid mutation operation

        Author Tags

        1. AnD
        2. APD
        3. DTLZ
        4. EA
        5. EFR-RR
        6. EO
        7. FFE
        8. GrEA
        9. HIMO
        10. HV
        11. IGD
        12. MaOEAs
        13. MaOPs
        14. MaOPEO
        15. MaOPEO-HM
        16. MaOPEO-MNUM
        17. MaOPEO-PLM
        18. MNUM
        19. MOCell
        20. MOEAs
        21. MOEA/D
        22. MOEA/DD
        23. MOEA/D-DE
        24. MOEA/D-DRA
        25. MOEA/D-DU
        26. MOPEO
        27. NSGA-II
        28. NSGA-III
        29. NUM
        30. PBI
        31. PD
        32. PEO
        33. PF
        34. PLM
        35. PM
        36. RCGA
        37. RM
        38. RVEA
        39. SDE
        40. SPEA2
        41. Two_Arch2
        42. WFG
        43. ZDT
        44. θ-DEA


        • Research-article


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