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Pull together: : Option-weighting-enhanced mixture-of-experts knowledge tracing

Published: 17 July 2024 Publication History


Educators dynamically adjust their teaching strategies by tracing the development of students’ knowledge states. Knowledge Tracing (KT) plays a role similar to that of educators in online teaching. By analyzing past performances, KT identifies learners’ knowledge states and predicts the outcomes of future exercises. However, the existing KT models assume that the learner’s performance is a binary variable (i.e., correct or incorrect) without refining learner performance or differentiating knowledge states. Multiple-choice tests employ distractors that engage learners in different knowledge states, with each distraction implying a specific error. In multiple-choice exercises, we propose an option-weighting-enhanced mixture-of-expert knowledge tracing (WEKT) method that assigns weights to different options based on improved option weighting scoring. The option weights affirm partial knowledge and refine the knowledge state. Building on the multi-task learning strategy, we design a mixture-of-experts framework that simultaneously predicts correctness and options, traces students’ specific errors, and refines students’ performances. The expert structure combines cognitive theory with deep learning technology, taking into consideration the differences between experts and students. Extensive experiments on large-scale datasets indicate that WEKT can refine knowledge states and attain more precise predictions of student performance.


We employ option weights to refine student performance.
We simultaneously predict correctness and option to identify specific errors.
Combining cognitive theory with deep learning techniques for expert structure.
Three experts achieve information exclusivity and sharing.


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Published In

cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 248, Issue C
Aug 2024
1587 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 17 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. Knowledge tracing
  2. Option tracing
  3. Option weights
  4. Multi-task learning


  • Research-article


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