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Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification

Published: 01 November 2021 Publication History


This paper presents a novel semi-supervised few-shot image classification method named Learning to Teach and Learn (LTTL) to effectively leverage unlabeled samples in small-data regimes. Our method is based on self-training, which assigns pseudo labels to unlabeled data. However, the conventional pseudo-labeling operation heavily relies on the initial model trained by using a handful of labeled data and may produce many noisy labeled samples. We propose to solve the problem with three steps: firstly, cherry-picking searches valuable samples from pseudo-labeled data by using a soft weighting network; and then, cross-teaching allows the classifiers to teach mutually for rejecting more noisy labels. A feature synthesizing strategy is introduced for cross-teaching to avoid clean samples being rejected by mistake; finally, the classifiers are fine-tuned with a few labeled data to avoid gradient drifts. We use the meta-learning paradigm to optimize the parameters in the whole framework. The proposed LTTL combines the power of meta-learning and self-training, achieving superior performance compared with the baseline methods on two public benchmarks.


We propose a novel self-training strategy for semi-supervised few-shot image classification.
We propose a meta-learned cherry-picking operation for selecting valuable training samples.
A cross-teaching paradigm is designed for the inner-loop updating process of meta-learning, enabling the classifiers to learn from noisy-labeled data.


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  1. Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Computer Vision and Image Understanding
        Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Volume 212, Issue C
        Nov 2021
        114 pages


        Elsevier Science Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 November 2021

        Author Tags

        1. 41A05
        2. 41A10
        3. 65D05
        4. 65D17

        Author Tags

        1. Few-shot learning
        2. Meta-learning
        3. Semi-supervised learning


        • Research-article


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