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Numerical effects on notch fatigue strength assessment of non-welded and welded components

Published: 15 October 2017 Publication History


Comparison of numerical and analytical notch fatigue strength assessment.Element type and mesh density reveal a significant impact on numerical results.Recommendations to ensure a proper stress-based fatigue design are provided. Local fatigue strength assessment based on threshold values obtained by linear-elastic notch stress calculation is commonly utilized due to its applicability to complex geometries with an acceptable effort. As the result of a finite element computation is affected by the element type and mesh refinement, this paper investigates the numerical influence on the notch stress based fatigue strength assessment of non-welded and welded components. Based on extensive finite element studies employing the software package Abaqus it is concluded that quadratic shape functions with a number of sixteen for non-welded parts and twelve elements over a semicircle for welded joints should be at least applied to minimize the numerical impact.


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Published In

cover image Computers and Structures
Computers and Structures  Volume 191, Issue C
October 2017
167 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 15 October 2017

Author Tags

  1. Element type
  2. Finite element analysis
  3. Linear-elastic computation
  4. Mesh refinement
  5. Notch stress approach
  6. Shape function


  • Research-article


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