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Integrating augmented reality into problem based learning: : The effects on learning achievement and attitude in physics education

Published: 01 December 2019 Publication History


This study investigates the effects of Problem Based Learning (PBL) assisted with Augmented Reality (AR) on learning achievement and attitude towards physics subjects as a part of science education. The sample of the study included 91 seventh graders from a province in the north of Turkey. A quasi-experimental design with two experimental groups and a control group was utilized. Based upon marker-based AR technologies, FenAR software was developed to support with PBL activities in the classroom. The experimental results indicated that integrating AR into PBL activities both increased students' learning achievement and promoted their positive attitudes towards physics subjects. This technology contributed to students' long-term retention of the concepts in the field of physics. In semi-structured interviews, the students emphasized that AR applications were more useful, realistic, and interesting for their learning; helped them to understand and analyse the problem scenarios. Apart from educational advantages, AR applications may lead to physical disorders among some of the students. It has been suggested that AR technology can be a potential and effective tool for activating students' positive emotions in PBL process. Moreover, implications on use of AR for physics education and recommendations for further studies are also discussed in the study.


Design PBL activities assisted marker-based AR for physics subjects.
Integrating the AR-based materials into PBL can support retention in learning process.
This integration provides students to become stimulated their positive emotions than traditional methods.
The findings offer guidance for teachers designing interactive learning environments.


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          cover image Computers & Education
          Computers & Education  Volume 142, Issue C
          Dec 2019
          310 pages


          Elsevier Science Ltd.

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          Published: 01 December 2019

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